Ratabilia Soft Toys Page


Welcome to the Ratabilia Soft Toys

The Ratabilia Soft Toys Page - see the collection below


A very old Jerry Mouse.
A mouse by 'Jelly Cat'
A very hip mouse wearing a 'Free Cheese' tee-shirt.
For all the Tutter fans - Another Tutter the Mouse. This one is the largest of the three we have, at about 7" high.
Another Pywacket Teddy Rat - this one is a lot larger than the other two we have, as you can see with him sitting next to one of our originals.
Beanie for the Chinese year of the Rat
Maisie Mouse from the childrens books, yet another soft toy collected by my wife!
Tiptoe & Cheezer, Beanies.
Not the most sophisticated soft toy, but definitely the cutest - he also looks very much like our very own Junior!
Nick & Fetcher from the film Chicken Run. If you have not yet seen the film, then rent it out now!
The main man, sorry rat - Rizzo Rat! forget Kermit and Miss Piggy, he's the real star of the Muppet Show!
Two soft toy mice I got for my wife in a shop in Berkley Square, London. There was a third colour - dark brown, which I never got, maybe one day the collection will expand by one...
A Steiff Shrew - Steiff have become very collectable and some, especially the older ones, are worth quite a bit.

Pywacket Teddies - collectable hand made from German Mohair, Glass eyes and nose, cotter pin joints, ultra suede foot pads and inner ears.

These are a favourite of mine, great looking ratabilia!

Abandoned Rat - I cut my foot on my cage and then I got into a fight with one of my brothers, so now I need a new home. I love people and pizza and chips.

As above.

Abandoned Rat - My brothers and sisters got new homes quickly as they were black & white, but no one wanted me just because I am all black. I love people and chips.

Tutter Mouse - Disney character from The Bear in the Big Blue House, the TV show has just come over here, but the cuddly toys have still to arrive! This little fellow came all the way from Disney World, Florida.