Ratabilia Carvings Page


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Tagua Nut carvings - these are a modern sort of version of Netsuke, small Tagua Nuts 1 to 2" across are carved with fine details of various animals, including rats.


This is a present my wife got me for my birthday, it is a hand carved collection piece from Harmony Kingdom, called Finky. It is very detailed right down to the nails on the paws.
The first Tagua Nut carving I got, a brown rat sitting on his tail. If you turn the carving over all the detail of the feet and tail can be seen.
The second Tagua Nut carving. Two rats, one brown and the other black sitting on a cob of corn.
The third Tagua Nut carving. A rat in a Chinese kimono(?) with the Emperor's hat